CountryCoats2Syria is mostly designed to operate with groups not individuals.
The idea is that a group - which could be a club, shoot, hunt or whatever - organises its own collection and then we will arrange for those coats to be delivered to Syria Relief who will, in turn,
arrange for them to be delivered to Syria.
Depending upon the number of groups collecting in an area, we may get each group to deliver their coats to a regional collection centre, or we may arrange for their collections to be picked up
Whilst we would love to, we mostly do not have the resources to run "drop-in collection centres" where individual people can drop off a coat when convenient. Most of them are only open at certain
times (see the Collection Centres page for details).
Yes, there probably is.
You are probably part of a group of some sort. A parish is a group. A company is a group.
Organise a group collection in a group that you belong to, fill in the "Notify Interest" form, and we will then work with you to help get your group collection gathered in and delivered out to start helping to save lives.
Torquay Museum is collecting coats daily until 24th January. They have been able to set aside an area for this purpose.
We would be very happy to work with other businesses or organisations who have the space available to do this.
Please get in touch if you think that you might be able to help in this way.