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CountryCoats2Syria is only organising coat collections in the UK.

However, we have been recieving enquiries from friends overseas if they can get involved - and the answer is: yes, indeed you can.

We are not sending any money overseas, only garments. However, these still need to get to the region and that is not without cost. We estimate that it will cost £5,000 to get each life-saving container full of coats into the hands of people who need them.


These funds are being met by our partners in this endeavour, the Registered Charity, Syria Relief.

Overseas supporters who wish to help this project can click on the linkl below to make a donation to Syria Relief's "CountryCoats2Syria Fund".


(As can supporters in the UK who want to make sure that their coats get to where they need to go...)


PLEASE NOTE: CountryCoats2Syria is not, and does not claim to be, a Charity.


Fundraising with GoGetFunding
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© CountryCoats2Syria