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If you have any queries, please contact us:


+44 1234 241212+44 1234 241212



Or use our contact form.

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Getting Involved

Get your community, group or club to organise a collection


If you run or are a member of a club, organisation or community and you would like more information about how you or they could organise a collection then you can download a general info sheet below.

Scroll down to see how to tell us you may be interested in organising a collection.


We also have more specific info sheets for:


  • Colleges
  • Young Famers' Clubs
  • Shoots
  • Hunts


Just click the links below to download:


Q: When do we need to collect by?


A: We say Jan 24th on our sheets, but there is no official cut off date - however, winter is happening NOW; people are freezing NOW - so why delay? Collections can and have been organised in less than a week. The sooner, the better...



General information about collections
Adobe Acrobat document [407.8 KB]
Information about collections by Colleges
Adobe Acrobat document [407.5 KB]
Information about collections by Young Farmers' Clubs
Adobe Acrobat document [407.6 KB]
Information about collections by Shoots
Adobe Acrobat document [407.4 KB]
Information about collections by Hunts
Adobe Acrobat document [408.5 KB]

If you think you or your group might want to make a collection, please notify your interest using our "notify interest" form.

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